Baby Spooled

Red and White Gingham Camoflauged

How much cuter does it get?

These Baby Shoes were custom hand-made for a specific client; but we won’t Spool you, they can be made again. Just ask.

They take a good few hours to produce. The fabric combinations determined, one pair at a time and then the placement on the fabric stratagized to give the best aesthetic overall; tops, sides, bottoms, insides… Thought out carefully.Thought for color of thread, inside and out. Thought for eyelet color, strings texture and color.

A work of art, eh?

And a labor of love. Ms. SpoolTeacher spends the hours in production imagining the little person who will have them in their lives possible forever; because things like these follow one through life.

She thinks about all the people who will fondle the shoes, while on or off the little one. The oohs and aahs the mother will enjoy when she opens the gift from her friend.

So she pays strict Spool Teacher attention to every detail, as you can see.

careful attention to detail

insides, outsides and in betweens

a different kind of camouflage

gray Camo

New Recruit

Twiggy's baby shoes

Flower Power and Yellow Polka Dots

Yellow Polka Dots

Blue Bottoms Up

Spidy Shoes


No end to the possibilities….click here to see more.

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